Where there is air, there is life – sometimes a life of its own. This time the crankshaft. Does the welding machine help?
This article is about an engine like the one we find in the Puch 500 and Haflinger.
During the test drive, after starting the vehicle, the engine speed changed when the clutch pedal was pressed. This led to the suspicion of excessive axial backlash of the crankshaft, as this drives the ignition distributor and the associated ignition adjustment influences the engine speed.
The test by simply moving the pulley back and forth brought the certainty. Under certain circumstances, the V-belts have to be relaxed. A dial gauge confirmed the result with 0.8 mm. In the workshop manual we find 0.17- 0.29 mm, wear limit 0.6 mm.
A disassembly of the engine showed a still decent overall picture, but clear axial inlet marks on the crankshaft, also the crankshaft bearing to the flywheel has lost width.
The cause was probably an impetuous clutch foot.
A classic vehicle clutch must be operated as digitally as possible (almost) digitally, left the clutch pedal after changing gears and also carried out the engine start WITHOUT a clutch being pressed. These measures prolong engine life.
At some point, the simple adjustment option of the axial backlash of the crankshaft to target size via copper disc is over. This is now the case with about 70% of all engine revisions.
Major repair – weld on crankshaft
Today, with the help of laser technology, it is possible to repair run-in crankshafts. The applied material hardness can be selected. The running layer now has a hardness of approx. 60 HRC. Depending on the effort, we are talking about costs of 100-200 euros. After that, the surface must be sanded.
More information about laser application welding can also be found in this film.
…. for grinding it is now, will be resumed shortly
Small repair – add flywheel
If the crankshaft is still dimensionally stable, but still no axial backlash can be adjusted with suitable copper discs, the machining of the flywheel helps as a small solution. With the milling machine, 0.1 – 0.2 mm can be removed very precisely. Mill because here the basic alignment to avoid impact is much easier in contrast to the lathe. Important here are two points:
The retention of the pass contour to the crankshaft, this radius must not be changed.
In order for the crankshaft to be able to rest really flat, the already existing hind stitch must be added to the lathe. In the area that the cutter has not reached.
What I always wanted to know for Puch 500, 650, 700, Haflinger and the small boxer engine
How do I measure the engine oil level correctly?
Answer: The engine oil level is measured with the measuring rod inserted and should lie between the 2 markings (Min-Max). It is best to measure before an engine start. Do not screw in during the measurement and do not fill it via Max! A fiber sealer should be located in the threaded part of the measuring rod.
Which oil do I use for the small boxer engine?
Answer: Mineral SAE 20W-50 Ideally mild alloyed vintage oil. See test on the Internet.
What air pressure should I drive?
Answer: Here are some guide values, may vary depending on the tyre type, tyre dimension, ground condition, load.
Puch VA 1.4 – 1.6 Bar HA 1.6 – 1.8 Bar
Haflinger VA 1.6 – 2.0 Bar HA 1.8 – 2.2 Bar
Which battery should I buy?
Answer: 44/45 AH are completely sufficient in normal maintenance condition, dimensions depending on the installation possibility. In the Puch rather the high form. At Haflinger also like a little more capacity.
How does the ignition belong?
Answer: Ignition time static approx. 8-10mm before OT (test lamp ), contact distance 0.4 mm (sensor g auge)Candles Heat value 225 – BOSCH W5AC or comparable, electrode distance 0.7 mm
Which spark plug is the best?
Answer: ALL if the values are correct and ignition and carburetor setting are fine. The candlelight is usually not due to the candle. Original BOSCH W5AC (0 241 245 580) Thread M14x1,25, thread length short thread 12.7mm, SW 20.8mm, tightening torque 20-25 Nm. Also suitable with heat value 225, electrode distance 0.7 m m: NGK B7HS, Champion L82C, Beru 14-5A etc.
Do I need an oil bath air filter?
Answer: Rather no. For the hard work, this type of filter was standard at that time and installed in the 700C and mostly in the Haflinger. Old bunnies claim it costs performance. A conversion in the Combi is usually not sensible due to the structural conditions. With Haflinger, the sole use of the paper filter is a good way to do this.
How big must the valve clearance be?
Answer: 0.15 mm for inlet and outlet valve. Measured in a cold state.
How often should I check the valve clearance?
Answer: For retracted engines, all 5,000-10,000 KM in the course of a large service. Further testing is required in the event of an initial loss of power or start difficulties with a warm engine. With a newly built engine, it is recommended to test for about 400-800 KM, because the heads like to sit down a bit.
Other topics, more questions? Please write an email to the Steyr Puch Friends Circle under info@steyr-puch.org
Where there is air is life – sometimes also a life of its own.
This article is about the original carburetor types of the Puch engines, especially Pallas Zenith 32NDIX and Weber 32ICS. There is excellent literature on this, without which a carburetor overhaul should not be carried out!
Where to buy Autoquariat, Puch Club Salzburg, Prokschi
The oldi runs strangely, sometimes the engine goes out, sometimes it turns too high. The ignition is fine, the centrifugal force adjustment in the distributor is smooth and resets? What can it be?
Too much air? Wrong air? They are getting old, the carburettors. They used to do what they should. Cleaning them, assembling a new sealing kit is only half the work. A cleaned carburetor looks good, but an often neglected error lies in the throttle area.
A beaten throttle valve shaft can be easily tested with sensitivity. Is the wave wobbling up and down in its leadership? This is the case for many of the Puch carburetors today. Gasoline leaks and air enters through the wave game. At a point where it shouldn’t be.
There are now new shafts, some with slightly larger diameters and good quality bearing bushings and sealing rings. This can be used to correct the problem described. The testing and overhaul of other components in this context, is not here content of this article.
With the help of precise tools and machines, the holes are revised and restored to target state. In the case of the 32NDIX, it is immediately upgraded to the last stage with X-sealing ring.
The motor thanks it with better conrun, with defined mixture formation and precise adjustment capability. As in the past…
The Steyr Puch Circle of Friends wishes all like-minded people around the small boxer engine a happy new year.
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