The car must be in the fresh air

Ideas are good. Even better to put them into practice. Sometimes it takes a wedding party. And a Puch 500. But now in turn.

The title itself is not quite correct, but it is understood. Often enough, there are standing-up vehicles that best turn into vehicles through species-appropriate movement. With the help of special ideas and supporters from our circle of friends, a project has developed for this purpose, this story is to report on this. The last entries are always up here, behind this line. Continuing…

Jan 2020

Large parts sea
rchAcross the shelves and boxes runs the search track. There was….. Piece by piece, it is pulled out, tried out, compared. Some things disappear right away. "Much too new, far too modern", is only good for tinkering. Handbrake, speedometer? Doesn't need a racing car, so far only weight has been. Bumpers? The original round, are still somewhere. Just don't throw anything away.

Racing ba
gsWhether that works?

Every historical vehicle has one. Dealing with it is exciting and often makes you want more. What was the state of extradition? Who was the first owner? What is all of it today? Everything is evolving, not always in the right direction. Depending on who is looking at it. Colour, rims, tyres, the use of modern materials are keywords here that will continue to be discussed here in the future.

The wedding partyS
ome are closely connected with their Pucherl, give him names, celebrate wedding days and gladly share their joy. This is how a first spark for our project came about years ago. Surely it will get a name later, let's call it "Art-friendly outlet" at the moment.

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